
Showing posts from August, 2020

Contraceptive Implants

 Contraceptive implants (also called sub-dermal implants) are small hormone (progesterone) bearing capsules or rods which when inserted under the skin of a woman’s upper arm, release the hormone slowly over a period of time to prevent pregnancy. Implants do not contain oestrogen; therefore, they are free from the side effects associated with that hormone.  MODE OF ACTION  Contraceptive implants prevent pregnancy primarily by making cervical mucus too thick for sperm to penetrate and they also suppress ovulation in many cycles. EFFECTIVENESS OF IMPLANTS Implants provide 99.9% effective protection against pregnancy. They are effective 24 hours post insertion. ADVANTAGES OF IMPLANTS   Contraceptive Benefits • Highly effective and offers long term protection against pregnancy • Does not interfere with act of sexual intercourse • Effective within 24 hours after insertion  • No frequent clinic visits required • Fertility returns almost immediately after implants are removed Non-contraceptive